Kamis, 19 Juli 2012



Initial checks:
Check the pin and imei No in unit (Option-status) / Alt-Cap-H
No pin and imei check on the battery
No check in the box pin and imei.
Make sure all three together and not genuine homemade bener2 (patch doang)
Dtitambahkan allowed to check the batteries, if the new guns in the tin plate should be no point / any blisters (because many who replaced the former)

BIS should be active at least once ato didaftarin card already!
Open in http://xxx.blackberry.com/
(Xxx = xl ato ato Telkomsel Indosat)

Then enter the Create New Account:
The contents of Pin and imei and click next will come out of writing:

A. Your device has not yet been registered with the network .....
This condition is due to the pin and imei UNSUSPEND still fresh.

2. The Blackberry is registered with another provider / carrier .............
There are two conditions, namely:
a. It's just a pin and imei fresh dr usually abroad (our provider)
b. Pin and emai not fresh and it is likely already in pake outside our provider.
Steps to be done is turn on the BB - Option - STATUS and type BUYR. If the new bener2 Voice and data usage must be 0, and if it already exceeded ... means USED (Ati2!)
But if the contents New 2.5 kb (still little) may be opened to unlock needs. But try to find a 0
The second condition is risky to suspend so try to ask for PIN WARRANTY Suspend (in the sense that if suspend exchanged)

3. Your account is already registered .....
There are two conditions:
a. Second-hand goods (refurbished) and've been using that dg our provider (BUYR check to be sure)
b. Or new items (BUYR = 0) but the pin is already being cloned and registered to our provider.
These three conditions are at risk to suspend so try to ask for PIN WARRANTY Suspend (in the sense that if suspend exchanged)

4. Your Account is Suspended ......
Guns could be for the BIS (Blackberry Internet Service), but only Phone and sms doang (or now the more ngetrend "your pin and imei is INVALID ...")
Recommendation: DO NOT BUY!!

AFAIK suspend condition due to:
A. PIN and IMEI conditions have been in place laen tercloning
2. Stolen goods
3. Goods are bought with a contract system in LN, but were brought here to escape to
4. There are other legal issues.

Save your pin and imei (dusnya is stored).
Do you often pinjemkan BB.
Do not often share the pin to the person that guns are unclear or in Frienster etc..
Buy the official operator
Buy in store recommendation
Buy at existing stores internet to check all of the above
Do not be in love if AZERTY or QWERTZ reply button, find the QWERTY (easier to checking aja)

If you can FIND THAT ONCE THE SELLER CAN BLACKBERRY MENGATIFKAN BIS (So you do something wrong and immediately receive pake)

How To kick a PIN:
Suppose there are stuck in the bb PIN X, and Y mm working well.
Terms bb signal X and Y have GPRS mm large, and standby around 5'-10 '.
A. Login to webclient mm (www.operator. Blackberry. Com) with the username bb Y on the PC or opera mini.
2. Choose a device change (menu on the left side), enter the PIN and IMEI mm X and save.
3. SSB (send service books), until successfull, standby 1'-2 '.
4. Choose a device change again, enter the PIN and IMEI mm Y and save.
5. SSB again, until successfull, standby 1'-2 '.
6. Wipe handheld bb X.
7. Mm X can be used to create another username.
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